Sunday 12 January 2014

[REVIEW] Skinfood Argan Oil Silk Hair Moist Pack

Hi!  Today I will be reviewing the Skinfood Argan Oil Silk Hair Moist Pack!

I've heard this hair pack is quite popular so I decided to buy it after hearing great reviews on it.

I think the hair pack was around 7500 won, which you can convert  at the CanadianForex.
So, it is about $9 CAD.

I think it was a good price volume wised because compared to Canada, there are hair packs but they aren't very cheap.

Let's get down to the outer appearance!  I think Skinfood did a good job on making everything as sanitary as possible, the bottle was covered in plastic wrap and there is also a piece of foil covering the mouth of the bottle.

The formula is as dense as a normal conditioner and it is a pale cream colour.
I'm not sure how to describe its smell but it smells really nice.  The smell does not really retain in my hair but I find it nice that it isn't overpowering.  

My photo didn't turn out as clear as I wanted it to be so I will type it out here as well.

SKINFOOD Argan Oil Silk Hair Mask Pack

A hair mask pack that contains nourishing argan oil and silk to transform dry, damaged hair into healthy, shiny tresses.
To use:  After shampooing, remove excess water and apply to damp hair.  Leave on for 5 minutes.  Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Before I review it, I googled what Argan Oil is.  

Argan is a type of fruit grown in Morocco and it is grown on a tree and the fruit looks like an avocado with a seed inside.  The seed contains the oil-rich seeds.  It is apparently really nutrient for hair treatment and protection.

For more information (since i did a very brief run-down), I got the information here and here.  The second link is wikipedia..I'm not sure if I really trust it but I guess keep searching if you need more!!

On the with the review!

I would like to say that I was a bit deceived by the word "mask" because I thought that since it's a mask, it's effectiveness should be greater.  However, I was wrong.
To me, it seemed like a normal hair conditioner that one would use after rinsing off shampoo.  
Don't get me wrong, it is pretty nourishing.  My hair feels pretty silky after showering so that was nice. 
I can't say it reduced the amount of split ends I have because I recently cut my hair so I can't really tell.

Usually, my routine in the shower is like this:

Conditioner (while it's in my hair, I wash my body)
After rinsing the conditioner, I apply the hair mask and while it's in my hair, I wash my face and do whatever else.

I have used it without conditioning my hair before and it really just feels the same ..

 I would recommend buying this if you get it for a relatively good price since it is only 200g.  I'm not sure if I would buy again just because it's cheap.  It works alright but I think I would like to try other hair packs first to see if they are better.

From the picture above with the ingredients, I noticed it says Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil in the middle area.  That means that the amount of argan oil is not as much as concentrated oil.  If you are looking for argan oil specifically for hair, I probably wouldn't recommend this since it is kind of like a scam(?)  But that's just my opinion, please don't take it to heart!

Thanks for reading :)

By for now!


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